Monday, February 27, 2012

Master Image List Descriptions


Bitmap images are sometimes referred to as line art because they consist of solely lines and have no gray shading, just black and white pixels. The color mode for these images in Photoshop is the bitmap color mode, which uses only black or white pixels to define an image. File format: BMP.

Bitmap Example: 


A reverse is when type, for example, is set to paper on a colored background. This effect allows the paper color to show through the text element of the graphic. Reverses can be created in Illustrator and InDesign, and saved in the native file formats .ai and .indd. 

Reverse Example: 

Vector Art

Vector graphics consist of points, lines, curves, and shapes that are based on mathematical definitions, and come together to embody an image. These graphics are not made of pixels and, therefore, do not have resolutions. Because of this, vector art is not limited by scaling restrictions. File formats for vector art include: EPS, PDF, PSD, AI. 

Vector Art Example: 

Grayscale Raster

A grayscale raster image is any raster image that has been set to the grayscale color mode. Grayscale raster images can be created in Photoshop by converting the original image to grayscale color mode. The grayscale color mode uses various shades of gray in the image, with each pixel having a brightness value that ranges from 0 (black) to 255 (white). File formats for grayscale raster images: TIFF, EPS, PSD, PDF.

 Grayscale Raster example:

Duotone Raster

A duotone raster image consists of 2 colors, generally black and a spot color. A duotone is created in Photoshop by first converting the original image to the Grayscale color mode, then converting it to the Duotone color mode, and selecting black and a spot color. This image is then, usually, saved with .EPS file format. File formats for duotone raster images: TIFF, EPS, PSD, PDF. 

Duotone Raster Example:

Silhouette Raster

An image that has had its background cut out of the image, leaving only the important element, is a silhouette raster image. A silhouette can be created in Photoshop “by erasing the background or (more commonly) by creating a mask or path that allows the element to display without the background.”
File formats for silhouette raster images: TIFF, EPS, PSD, PDF.

Full Bleed Raster

A full bleed raster is a raster image that has a bleed, meaning it goes beyond the trim size of the design. All parts of the image are visible except the elements that are in the bleed, which will be eliminated once the final piece is cut down to the trim size. File formats for full bleed raster images: TIFF, EPS, PSD, PDF. 

Full Bleed Raster Example:


Four Color Raster

An image that consists of 4 colors is a four color raster. File formats for four color raster images: TIFF, EPS, PSD, PDF.

Screen Tint

“A screen pattern that consists of dots that are all the same size and create an even tone.” Pantone colors have to be converted to CMYK, a screen tint is the result of the conversion of a spot color.


Real World Print Production with Adobe Creative Suite Applications by Claudia McCue

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